Monday 13 August 2012


Assalammualaikum and Salam Ramadhan to all  muslim . This entry is about RAMADHAN. Ramadhan? what the meaning of Ramadhan? Okay , according to the Islamic calendar , every year in the month of Ramadhan , all Muslims are required to fasting . What is the meaning of fasting ? Fasting is  refrain from eating and drinking and all acts which may invalidate the fast , from dawn until sunset . This month only appear once a year, so all the muslim very excited to celebrate this Ramadhan . Before we fasting , we must  know the intention of fasting . For Muslim  :


nawaitu souma godhin ‘an adaa i, fardhi syahri ramadhaana haadzihis sanati lillahi ta’aalaa

Maksudnya : Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari menunaikan Fardhu Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Ta’ala.

For your information , in this month Malaysia have many attraction which is every evening in this Ramadhan month , there were many people who come to place that we called BAZAR RAMADHAN . Bazar Ramdhan is one of interesting were they are  many various of food that we can't usually found in other month such as traditional food like , gulai kawah , lemang , ketupat , lompat tikam , kuih dangai , murtabak and many more . Many people like Muslim , Chinese , India or even foreigner love to come and buy food at bBazar Ramadhan . These are some picture that we can show you the interesting about Bazar Ramadhan .

 That's all , enjoy reading :)

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